Vision, Mission & Goals



To create a world of educated, empowered and enlightened people.


Our Mission is to promote education and development in the following ways:

  • Build schools in areas where access to basic education is limited
  • Establish income-generating projects that teach students life skills and allow the schools to be self-supporting
  • Foster regenerative natural resource activities within the communities where the schools are located
  • Educate the US public about other countries and cultures and raise awareness of the interdependent nature of the world


  • Join together with local people to build schools in communities in developing countries, utilizing local resources and skills.
  • Emphasize positive traditional African cultural values in school curriculums, such as resolving conflict in group, studying traditional proverbs, and working together rather than competing.
  • Incorporate conservation and renewal of natural resources in school construction and in the curriculum of the schools we help build.
  • Include literacy classes for women in our school programs.

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